"It is the diversity that provides the fertile ground for the critical discourse that drives a real progress." - Magda Mostafa

Magda Mostafa Guest Architect of IQD Issue 65 is one of the most authoritative voices on the subject of neurodivergent. This issue becomes a means to inform, build and support a cultural growth thanks to the contribution of international architects. The aim is to spark a conversation around the creation of a holistic landscape for diversity to flourish and for neurodivergent people to begin to have agency over space.
This was expressed through various projects and research with invited contributors:
Alfredo Brillembourg, Ab Rogers, Bryony Roberts,
Eron Friedlaender, Hansel Bauman, Irina Verona,
Jennifer Carpenter, Joel Sanders, Lee Onbargi,
Loukia Tsafoulia, Manuel Cadrecha, Matthew Tabram,
Seb Choe, Severino Alfonso, Simon Humphreys,
Stuart Neilson, Wip Collaborative,
This great printed effort will be available to architects and to the students of many Architecture Universities. Kudos to Roberta Busnelli and the editorial team for their wonderful work.